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Vimec Home Lift

Model:  EcoVimec

Stops: 2

Type of building: Private House

Country: UK

The Home Lift installed in this private house is an EcoVimec Home lift, which has been chosen to increase comfort and add value to the property. 

The owner chose EcoVimec home lift because it’s electric and environmentally friendly (it has reduced energy consumption and doesn’t use hydraulic oil).

The EcoVimec Home lift has been designed to fit within a masonry shaft, offering a compact and space-saving solution to access multiple floors of the house. The cabin has been designed to be as discreet as possible, with a low profile and modern appearance that complements the property perfectly.

Thanks to its advanced drive system, the lift runs smoothly and quietly. Additionally, emergency stop buttons and safety sensors are included. A door-closing mechanism ensures that doors are closed safely after every use.

The electrical home lift EcoVimec is available in a wide range of models and designs and doesn’t require a machine room, which makes it suitable for homes of all kinds. It can be installed in various types of buildings, including residential complexes, apartment buildings, and shopping malls.

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